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Vagas de emprego de Vendedor Arquiteto em Ibiuna, SP

3.873 resultados

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    A combinar
    36 vagas: ,
    At BairesDev®, we've been leading the way in technology projects for over 15 years. We deliver cutting-edge solutions to giants like Google and the most innovative startups in…

    A combinar
    36 vagas: ,
    At BairesDev®, we've been leading the way in technology projects for over 15 years. We deliver cutting-edge solutions to giants like Google and the most innovative startups in…

    A combinar
    36 vagas: ,
    At BairesDev®, we've been leading the way in technology projects for over 15 years. We deliver cutting-edge solutions to giants like Google and the most innovative startups in…

    A combinar
    36 vagas: ,
    Há mais de 15 anos, a BairesDev® é líder em projetos tecnológicos. Entregamos soluções inovadoras para gigantes como Google e Rolls-Royce e as startups mais inovadoras do Vale do…

    A combinar
    36 vagas: ,
    At BairesDev®, we've been leading the way in technology projects for over 15 years. We deliver cutting-edge solutions to giants like Google and the most innovative startups in…

    A combinar
    36 vagas: ,
    At BairesDev®, we've been leading the way in technology projects for over 15 years. We deliver cutting-edge solutions to giants like Google and the most innovative startups in…

    A combinar
    36 vagas: ,
    At BairesDev®, we've been leading the way in technology projects for over 15 years. We deliver cutting-edge solutions to giants like Google and the most innovative startups in…

    A combinar
    36 vagas: ,
    At BairesDev®, we've been leading the way in technology projects for over 15 years. We deliver cutting-edge solutions to giants like Google and the most innovative startups in…

    Vaga com recrutador muito ativo
    De R$ 2.001,00 a R$ 3.000,00
    1 vaga:
    Nesta oportunidade, estamos em busca de parceiros que tenham interesse em atuar como vendedor (a) no segmento de produtos químicos para o tratamento da água (Cloro, Redutores de…

    Vaga com recrutador muito ativo
    Até R$ 2.000,00
    1 vaga:
    SALÁRIO FIXO+ COMISSÃO VARIÁVEL Vem pra Alphagraphics! - Vaga de Vendedora Interna - Gráfica Já pensou em fazer parte desse time e nos auxiliar nessa jornada de crescimento? A…

    Vaga com recrutador muito ativo
    Até R$ 2.000,00
    1 vaga:
    Realiza atendimento a clientes, negocia preço, prazo, condições de pagamento e descontos da venda, orienta quanto às especificações dos produtos e/ou serviços. Controla os pedidos…

    Vaga com recrutador muito ativo
    A combinar
    1 vaga:
    Realizar vendas de produtos da empresa Atendimento ao cliente e prospecção de novos clientes Elaborar propostas comerciais e fechar negociações Auxiliar na parte administrativa do…

    A combinar
    36 vagas: ,
    At BairesDev®, we've been leading the way in technology projects for over 15 years. We deliver cutting-edge solutions to giants like Google and the most innovative startups in…

    A combinar
    36 vagas: ,
    At BairesDev®, we've been leading the way in technology projects for over 15 years. We deliver cutting-edge solutions to giants like Google and the most innovative startups in…

    A combinar
    36 vagas: ,
    At BairesDev®, we've been leading the way in technology projects for over 15 years. We deliver cutting-edge solutions to giants like Google and the most innovative startups in…